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February 4, 2009

Relief Operations Continue



Amidst a deteriorating humanitarian situation for the civilians trapped in the Mullaitivu district, Sarvodaya continues to engage in providing what ever the assistance it could to help those who are fleeing the fighting zone. Since the escalation of recent confrontations, around 4000 (IDPs) have arrived in Vavuniya who are settled in 2 government controlled camps. Sarvodaya, along with UN and the other local and international humanitarian organizations have assisted the IDPs by providing cooked food in rotation whilst also taking part in high level discussions and negotiations to decide how we could better assist in addressing the grave humanitarian situation faced by civilians who are still trapped in the areas controlled by the LTTE. Due to security concerns, the humanitarian organizations have still not been given full access by the Government to operate freely. Please refer to the latest statement by the humanitarian community of which Sarvodaya is a signatory. (Click here to view)

Sarvodaya Shramadana Movement for the People in Need.